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(4) 2004

Stasyuk I. V., Akimova E. V., Tomilova E. A., Sanko
A. F., Laukhin S. A.
The Late
Paleolithic Site of Derbina V at the Krasnoyarsk Water-Reservoir
Zakh V. A., Skochina S. N.
Settlement of Mergen 3
Yepimakhov A. V., Yepimakhova M. G.
Settlement of Kamennaya Rechka III at the Uj River (Issues
of Cultural Attribution on the Late Bronze Sites)
Shamshin A. B., Izotkin S. L., Sitnikov S. M.
Settlement of Zharkovo-1

Anthropology and Paleo-Demography
Ryikun M. P.
Craniological Materials from the Kamenrf Culture
Burial Ground of Novotroitskoye-1
Matveeva N. P.
Certain Paleodemographic Features of the Kamenka
Culture in the Forest-Steppe Lower Ob Basin
Lar L. A.
Yamal Khaebyidya Ya” — Sacred Places in Yamal
Bogordaeva À. À.
Significative Functions of Clothing in Traditional
Rites of the Ob Ugrians

Borisov V. A., Matveeva N. P., Chikunova I. Yu.
Experience of Studying Technological Properties and
Functional Purpose with Respect to Pottery of the Sargatka Population of the
Rafajlovo Archaeological Complex
Ryabogina N. E., Orlova L. A.
The Late Holocene Peat-Bog of Gladilovsky Riam as
Indicator of Changes in Paleoecological Condition of the Ishim Plain
