Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnografii

ISSN 2071-0437 (Online)


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Vestnik arheologii, antropologii i etnofrafii

(2)  2021                                                                               

Vestnik (2) 2021 (full text)




Small cave bear (U. ex gr. savini-rossicus) as a game species of prehistoric man  page 5–14

Gimranov D.O., Kosintsev P.A., Bachura O.P. (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation), Zhilin M.G. (Moscow, Russian Federation), Kotov V.G., Rumyantsev M.M. (Ufa, Russian Federation)


Bronze-casting workshops of the Vengerovo-2 settlement (Baraba forest steppe)  page 1527

Durakov I.A., Mylnikova L.N. (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)


On the dynastic cult of the rulers of Bukhara Sogd in the Early Middle Ages (to the interpretation of the murals of the Varakhsha palace) page 2839

Gyul T.I. (Tashkent, Uzbekistan)


Pottery traditions of the Andronovo (Fedorovo) population of the steppe Altai (based on materials from the settlement of Zharkovo-3)  page 4051

Papin D.V., Stepanova N.F. (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation), Fedoruk A.S., Fedoruk O.A. (Barnaul, Russian Federation), Loman V.G. (Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan)


Semiyarka IV burial complex of the Middle Bronze Age (Eastern Kazakhstan)  page 5265

Grushin S.P. (Barnaul, Russian Federation), Merts I.V., Merts V.K. (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan), Ilyushina V.V. (Tyumen, Russian Federation), Fribus A.V. (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)


Incense burners and altar dishes of the Sargatka Culture  page 6682

Zakh V.A. (Tyumen, Russian Federation)


‘Polish-Lithuanian’ archaeological materials from the excavations of the town of Tara page 8390

Tataurov S.F., Tikhonov S.S. (Omsk, Russian Federation)


Sudovians in Sambia in the 13th14th centuries  page 9198

Kulakov V.I.  (Moscow, Russian Federation)





The ornament of Tara and Baraba Tatars: archeological and ethnographic analysis  page 99–109

Istomina Yu.A. (Omsk region, Bolsherechye, Russian Federation)


Sacred components of hunting and fishing technologies of the indigenous peoples of the Amur-Sakhalin Region  page 110–119

Bereznitsky S.V. (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)


Homo technicus mobilis in Yamal  page 120128

Yaptik E.S. (Moscow, Russian Federation)


Images of Sakhalin in the research legacy of B.O. Pilsudsky (based on materials of the Far-Eastern archives)  page 129–137

Golovnev I.A. (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation), Golovneva E.V. (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation)


Ritual and ceremonial functions of the Saryarka Kazakh food (20th–21st centuries)  page 138145

Musagazhinova À.A. (Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan), Kabidenova Zh.D. (Pavlodar, Kazakhstan)


The challenge of the time: reproduction of ‘forgotten’ traditions in the modern Kazakh culture  page 146–154

Stasevich I.V.  (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation)


Russian development and toponymy of the Pelym region according to written and field sources of the 18th–21st centuries  page 155165

Dmitrieva T.N. (Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation)


The GULAG experience in cultural narratives and collective identity of post-Soviet Lithuania  page 166176

Čepaitienė R. (Vilnius, Lithuania)