(9) 2009

I. Zakh
Complexes of mound 7 of Chepkoul 9
burial ground
D. Degtyareva, O. V. Shuvayeva
Bronze ornaments from Chepkoul 9
burial ground
S. Kaliyeva, V. N. Logvin
Burial ground near Bestamak
settlement (a preliminary message)
N. Skochina
Stone implements of the Kokuj culture
V. Fleck
Cross-shaped pendants of the Petrovka and Alakul cultures
Yu. Chikunova
Pottery complexes of the Kashino culture at the sites of the Early Iron Age
in the Tobol basin

History and ethnography
S. N. Tcherbich
Sources of building up the land stock of Tobolsk House
of the Highest Clergy in the XVII century
N. G. Sarapulova
The outcome of
reforming the Russian agrarian sector in the early XX century
V. P. Kluyeva
activity of population in Tyumen oblast
Yu. N. Kvashnin
Social and
economic situation with the Nenets in Archangel guberniya in the early 20s
(basing on materials of stock farm censuses of 1924-1925)
Ye. A. Volzhanina
questions with respect to the Yamal Nenets in the early third of the XX century
V. V. Ushnitsky
Tungus clans in Yakutia
of the XVII century: questions of origin and ethnic identity
G. T. Bakiyeva
with respect to development of a judical system with Siberian Tartars in the XVIII –
early XX century
N. A. Povod
Distinctions with
respect to the opening up the Lower
Tobol basin by Komi settlers in the XIX century
A. A. Bogordayeva
Articles of a
shaman costume from the collection of the Yamal-Nenets Regional museum and
exhibition complex named after I.S. Shemanovsky
(the city of Salekhard)
A. V. Alexandrov
in the Russian contest-and-applied culture

S. A. Laukhin
The first U/Th data regarding continental deposits of
Siberian Upper Pleistocene and its importance for stratigraphy and geochronology
O. Ye. Poshekhonova, V. I. Semyonova, S. N. Ivanov, Ye. N.
Ryabogina, A. S. Yakimov
Archaeological and paleoecological investigations of Vyngayakha 7
medieval settlement (north taiga zone of the Pur river basin)
