(4) 2014

Pakhunov A.S., Zhitenev V.S.,
Brandt N.N., Chikishev A.Yu.
Preliminary results of a
comprehensive analysis of coloured pigments in the mural paintings of Kapova
Stefanova N.K., Stefanov
XIII settlement
of the Tashkovo culture
Tkachev A.A., Ilyushina V.V.
On certain distinctions of the Koptyaki antiquities from the sub-taiga Low Tobol
Kostomarov V.M.
On genesis of Andronoid
antiquities from the
forest-steppe Tobol and Ishim basin in the II millennium B.C.
Zakh V.A., Zimina O.Yu.
Early complex of the
Krasnoozersky culture from the settlement of Mergen
2 in the Low Ishim basin
Matveyeva N.P., Anoshko O.M.
On prospects of
archaeological investigation regarding wintering grounds of Yermak’s forces
Rafikova T.N., Berlina S.V.
Fortifications of the
medieval hillfort of Lastochkino Gnezdo
1: on the problem of cultural contacts
Anoshko O.M., Ignatov S.V.
Numismatic and
sphragistic materials from the Bazarnyi
excavation in Tobolsk
Slepchenko S.M.,
Poshekhonova O.Ye.
manifestations in the paleoanthropological material of early Middle Ages from
the burial place of Ustyug-1
Makeyeva A.I.
with Kazan’ Tartars
Golovnyov A.V.,
Abramov I.V.
Reindeer and gas: development strategies of Yamal
Maltseva N.V.
Transformations of ethnic environmental management in the
reindeer breeding of the early XÕ
c. (by the example of North-Even District, Magadan Oblast’)
Bogordayeva À.À. Textile attributes of a bear festival at
holy places of North Mansi in the early XXI c.
Liskevich N.A.
Fishing traditions with Komi from the Low Tobol basin
Masharipova A.Kh.
Death rate processes with the
Komi-Zyryan adult population from Ivanovo Volost’, Yalutorovsk Uyezd in the late
XIX – early XX c.
Klueva V.P., Poplavsky R.O.
Changes of a Protestant
landscape of the (post) Soviet province: international relations of the Tyumen
churches in the late 80th — the beginning of the 90th of the XX c.
Stas’ I.N.
review: «Removed as an anti-Soviet element»: the Kalmyks in the state policy
(1943 – 1959 )» by A.S. Ivanov
