(1) 2014

Chairkina N.M., Dubovtseva
Neolithic pottery complexes from the
settlement of Nizhneye Ozero III
Yen’shin D.N.
Neolithic dwellings from settlements of the Mergen’ lake
Novikov I.K., Degtyareva A.D.,
Shilov S.N.
The Bronze Age burials of Ozernoye 1
and Ozernoye 3 (the investigation results)
Zakh V.A.,
Kostomarov V.M.,
Ilyushina V.V.,
Ryabogina N.Ye.,
Ivanov S.N.,
Kostomarova Yu.V.
The Koptyaki complex from the settlement of Chepkoul 5
Zakh V.A.
Formation of the Fyodorovo culture in the Low Tobol basin and migration ways of
its media to the east
Kovtun I.V.
The owl of Tomskaya Pisanitsa
Troitskaya T.N., Mzhelskaya
T.V., Borzykh K.A.
Dwellings and household
buildings from the hillfort of Zavyalovo-5
Fedorchenko A.Yu.
Ethnographic sources in archaeological trasology: potentials of a
approach under analysis of stone industries from the North of the Far East
Sharapova S.V., Razhev D.I.,
Kurto P.
New in studying feminine burials (after
materials of the Sargatka culture from the Low Tobol basin)
Fedotova T.K., Gorbacheva A.K.
Geographic variations of body dimensions with newborn babies and infants
Senotrusova P.O.,
Mandryka P.V., Poshekhonova O.Ye.
Features of burial rites with medieval population from the North Low Angara
basin (after materials from the burial site of Prospikhino Shivera-IV)
Masluzhenko D.N., Ryabinina
The campaign of 1483 and its place in the
history of Russian-Siberian relations
Adayev V.N.
Selkups of the Upper Taz: inter-cultural contacts and routes of communication
with population of the neighboring river basins in XVIII–ÕÕ
Masharipova A.Kh.
Infant mortality with Komi-Zyryans from the Low Tobol basin late in XIX
early XX century
Liskevich N.A.
On ritual practices with Komi reindeer-breeders from North
Petrov D.D.
Sacral toponymy of Komi Republic and its parallels in geographical names of
Russian North, the Urals and West Siberia
Templing V.Ya.
Course of life and shaping of individual magic-and-medical experience in the
practice of folk healing
Korona O.M., Rudkovskaya M.A.
Archaeobotanical investigation regarding a trading quarter of Staroturukhansk
