(4) 2012

Borzunov V.A.
Neolithic fortifications and their prototypes in
taiga Low Ob basin and Trans Urals
Zakh V.A.
Periods of transformations in the history of ancient
societies from Tobol-and-Ishim basin in the Holocene
Koksharov S.F.
The first Konda metal
Yenshin D.N., Skochina S.N.,
Zakh V.A.
On settling rites in the Neolithic of
the Low Ishim basin (basing on materials of Mergen 6 settlement)
Kovtun I.V.
The Seyima-Turbino antiquities
and Indo-Aryans
Êîstomarov V.Ì.,
Êîstomarova Yu.V.
On selecting transition forms in
the materials of Late Bronze Age on the territory of the Tobol-and-Ishim basin
Vinogradov N.B., Chuprunova
An occasional finding of a stone
planch with anthropomorphic images at the Sinara lake in Chyelyabinsk Oblast
Chikunova I.Yu.
Economy of a medieval population of the forest steppe and
sub-taiga Trans Urals
Khudaverdyan A.Yu.
Reconstruction of life activity features with Antique population
from Armenian plateau basing on anthropological data
Liskevich N.À., Shubnitsina Ye.I.
Nomads of Big Urals: on nomadism routes with deer breeders
of Polar and Circumpolar Urals in XIX — first half of XX
Golikova S.V.
Funeral rites with
Russians from the Urals in the middle of XIX — early XX century
Bogordayeva À.À.
Attribution regarding image of North Mansi spirit-the protector
Klyuyeva V.P.
Distribution of
Protestantism with indigenous minor peoples (by an example of Khanty-Pentecostals)
Tynysov B.A.
Settling of Kazakhs on the territory of
Omsk Low Irtysh basin (late XIX — the first third of XX century)
Sizov O.S.,
Zimina O.Yu.
Particulars of a life support system and
spatial distribution regarding settlements of the Itkul culture in the Low Tobol
basin (VIII–VI cc. BC)
