

Adayev V.N.

Swamp routes: communication ways and methods with peoples of Low Irtysh basin across watershed territories in XVIII–XX centuries

The article considers communication routes regarding south taiga ethnic groups across watershed territories of Low Irtysh basin. The investigation materials make it possible to imagine the way how a diversity of routes and transportation means with ethnic groups, quite different in their culture and traditions, being realized under trying conditions of swamp landscapes. The paper thoroughly examines particular routes across swamp watershed areas, together with their landscape and geographic dependence, practice of improving the routes, methods of travel and transportation of cargoes in different seasons. The obtained information allows specifying certain regional and ethnic features regarding organization and use of communication routes.

Low Irtysh basin, watershed swamp landscapes, contacting territory, communication routes, ethnography of West Siberian peoples.


Liskevich N.A.

Particulars on burial and commemorative rites with Komi from the South of West Siberia

Basing on field materials obtained during ethnographic expeditions from Komi settlements in the south of Tyumen and Omsk Oblasts, subject to consideration being notions on death, soul-the-breath and soul-the-shadow, as well as particulars of preparation for coming death, as well as pre-burial, burial and commemoration customs, and methods of using objects which contacted a body of the deceased. The author specifies a role of dreams as one of the sources for contacting the dead and producing new elements of collective notions on the spirit world with the local Komi groups.

Komi of West Siberia, burial and commemorative rites, apparition of the the late, dreams about the dead.


Volzhanina Ye.A.

Traditional mechanisms of supporting a nomadic life at Yamal in the first third of XX century

The article considers official definitions of nomadic and settled economies, as well as mechanisms of supporting a nomadic life, practiced with Yamal Nenets, as well as their transformation in the first third of XX century.

Ethnography, Northern peoples, Nenets, Yamal, traditional economy, nomadic life, settled life.


Kvashnin Yu.N.

Ethnic and demographic processes with the Taz Nenets in the early XXI century

Subject to a discussion being a modern ethnic and demographic situation with the Nenets dwelling in the lower current of the Taz river. The author considers questions of traditional reproduction, education, and professional occupation of the population, as well as ethnic processes affected by an increasing development of urban culture. The correlation of the data of the early XXI century with the investigation data of the middle 1990s allows to state the loss by the Nenets of certain elements of their traditional culture connected with reindeer breeding and fishing, and their adaptation to changed conditions of life.

Yamal National Region, in the lower current of the Taz river, Nenets, reindeer breeders, fishermen, ethnodemography, traditional culture, urbanization, adaptation.


Poplavsky R.O., Cherepanov M.S.

In search of a «true» community: assessment of the number of believers in Tyumen mosques

The article considers conceptual approaches and investigation methods regarding religious communities and religiousness of population. Subject to designation being prospects of using a registration method with regard to believers participating in religious practices. The authors analyze the data obtained under calculations of the Moslems in the city of Tyumen, participating in collective Friday prayers, as well as in prayers of the holy day of Urazà-bajram in 2007–2011.

Community, religiousness, religious practices, calculation of believers, Moslems.